Covance Teams With BPI With Its Differentiated Managed Markets Offering
After intensive due-diligence by Covance and Deloitte executives, Covance has decided to team with BPI and use all BPI Revenue Management (BPI RM) and GTN Revenue Recognition (BPI GTN R2) product modules as a key cornerstone for its new Managed Marketing Offering. This due-diligence focused on BPI’s RM and GTN R2 products providing end-to-end differentiation from other offerings within the industry. Leading Covance’s new Offering, is Steven Medina, Vice President, Managed Markets Services. When asked “Why BPI?” Steve responded “There are two main reasons why I am pleased to partner with BPI. The first is they take pride in their products and are open in making timely improvements where possible. The other is with BPI’s multitenant capability within both their Revenue Management and Gross-To-Net Revenue Recognition solutions enable me to control my cost and pass the savings onto my clients.” BPI’s President, Richard Burcham, added “BPI’s new partnership with Covance is one of the biggest shining stars in BPI’s successful history. Being selected after an intensive, competitive evaluation proves that BPI leads all others with proven revenue management and GTN revenue recognition solutions.”