BPI’s GTN Revenue Recognition (BPI R2â„¢) Wins Again
A major lifesciences manufacturer has selected BPI’s GTN (BPI R2™) product over a long list of GTN automation and analytics offerings, primarily since the BPI GTN automation solution covers the end-to-end GTN process based on best GTN business practices. Competitive offerings that were reviewed where either not proven with real world clients or provided only offshore analytical services. BPI not only proved functional and technology superiority and maturity, the BPI GTN offering also provided business benefit in several key customer areas. These strategic and tactical ROI business benefit areas included compliance improvement, price protection and price impact analysis, accrual and reconciliation, improved top- and sales deduction bottom- line forecasting, and increased company associates work efficiency and effectiveness. BPI’s President, Richard Burcham, stated “This recent win proves that with BPI’s years of hands-on GTN end-to-end automation expertise, our product continues to be the only available choice that proves substantial business benefit.